About this guide

My goal is to help you understand your menstrual cycle, why it's important, and how you can balance your hormones—naturally. That's where this eBook comes in. Together, let’s take the next step in your hormone-healing journey. While you may never love your period, having a supportive relationship with your cycle is possible. I promise.

Whether you want to kiss PMS goodbye, you’ve recently been diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance, like PCOS, or you’re keen on getting off birth control, you've come to the right place!

What you’ll learn: 

LESSON 1: An overview of the menstrual cycle, including specific nutrition for each phase—and meal plans!

LESSON 2: All about seed cycling and how to incorporate this holistic practice into your daily diet.

LESSON 3: Menstrual cycle rituals—what they are and how they can support hormone balance.

LESSON 4: Exercising with your cycle, including specific workout ideas per phase.

LESSON 5: Signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance (and tips to balance hormones through diet and lifestyle).

LESSON 6: Understand blood sugar basics for stable hormones, as well as practical habits to help manage blood sugar.

Bonus section: Resources (articles, books, and podcasts) to help you take your wellness journey to the next level.

Master Your Menstrual Cycle by Wellness with Edie

  • $15.00

Hi, I'm Edie

And I'm so happy you're here. I'm thrilled to be your champion, advocate, and educator as you begin your hormone-healing journey. 

I'm a mom to a toddler, navigating family life in Colorado. After graduating from college, I began my career in tech—but burnout came quickly knocking at the door. A few years in, it was obvious: I was chasing the wrong profession. I took a leap of faith to study women's wellness. And to this day, that decision changed my life (in the best way possible).

I'm a double-certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Nutrition Consultant. My ethos is rooted in hormone health, blood sugar balance, and practical wellness.

Since 2016, I've coached countless women on their individual journeys to health. And over time, I've realized the pain points that unite us all: We're inundated by diet culture, we don't know how to trust our hunger cues, and we're confused by all of the noise in the wellness industry. 

Together, let's parse through those pain points—with the tools to trust your unique body. Empowerment is around the corner.

It's time to take your health into your own hands.

Master Your Menstrual Cycle

A guide to hormone balance


  • How many pages is this eBook?

    It's almost 50 pages of educational, actionable content.

  • Can I print this eBook?

    Of course! Otherwise, keep it downloaded on your computer.

  • I have dietary preferences and allergies—will this guide support me?

    Yes! There are a handful of meal plans in this eBook with ingredient substitutions.

  • I'm not trying to get pregnant—will this guide help me?

    Absolutely. Hormone balance extends far beyond fertility. Optimizing your hormones leads to improved body composition, sleep, energy, digestion, and so much more.

  • I'm on birth control, with this be useful to me?

    You bet. Various forms of birth control cause nutrient depletion (among other short-term and long-term complications), so this guidebook can help support your body's natural rhythms. Set yourself up for a nourished, healthy body—now and in the future.

  • If I have questions, who should I contact?

    Send us an email—[email protected].

Let's begin your healing journey